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Guide to Healthy and Safe Running

Marathon Guidance

Click Run Leaders Guidance for the Stragglers guidelines for anybody leading a group and for runners.

Click here for a guide to running for children.

Click here for a guide to stretching.

Click here for a whole page of useful and interesting links on training and running a marathon. This is aimed at the New York marathon but it's generally applicable and might tempt you over there to run it!

Risk Assessments

All run leaders and coaches must familiarise themselves with the Risk Assessment and the Emergency Action Plans for the location where they are running.

Emergency Action Plan

These will be made available for all locations

Incident Reporting

Any accidents must be reported via the online form below,  or the hard copy form must be printed off, completed, scanned and emailed to 

  • Click here for a PDF version of the form

  • Click here for a Word version of the form

Advice: FAQ
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